Our Services
We provide coaching to entrepreneurs and enterprises to think like an Islamic Social Entrepreneur
We help our clients to find investors, whether its for a start up or an existing enterprise.
We provide consultancy to entrepreneurs and enterprises to think like Islamic Social Entrepreneur
We can be engaged to execute customized research for our clients.
We provide set or customized training for those who want to think like an Islamic Social Entrepreneur
We customize educational curriculum for our clients and educational institutions.
Do you want to....
What our clients say
Excellent organization which goes out of its way to achieve all the tasks contracted and delivers its goals.

As a Business Strategist, I was looking for people who understood my organisation’s problems and what we were looking to achieve. This organisation did the job very well.

Highly recommended.

Dr. Thamina Anwar and I were speakers at a Social Enterprise conference in Scotland, United Kingdom. From there we kept in touch and her organization did a few projects for us to help clients to transform and become Social Enterprise. I would highly recommend this organization.

Highly Recommended.

As a CEO, I was looking for people who can communicate well, have great skills and deliver in time. I found all that in this organization and more.

Fantastic organization. Great communication.

How do we spend our day?
We devote 300% of our time for our customers to ensure they have the know how and tools to run their social enterprise according to their goals.
- Either transforming your current business or starting from scratch.
- Always guiding you and your enterprise, every step along the way.
- Understanding your enterprise goals so that you can save money in the long run,
- We understand that not one size fits all so we customize everything for you and your enterprise.
- Implementing the model according to the plan.
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Stay Enlighten
Dr. Thamina Anwar is an International speaker. Stay connected to listen to her speeches. Keep connected to learn the latest development of her model.
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