Enterprise Resilience

One of the key take from my entrepreneurship experience and my own education from the MBA learning at Cranfield School of Management (UK) was in fact business resilience. This is in line with the multiple of social enterprises I interviewed during my PhD studies. Islamic Social entrepreneurs and leaders who are resilient can survive the economic down-turns especially with the Global Financial Crisis knocking on the doorsteps.

Why is this? Well resilience is the ability an organization to quickly adapt to disruptions while maintaining continuous enterprise operations and safeguarding people, assets and overall brand equity. Enterprise resilience goes a step beyond disaster recovery by offering post-disaster strategies to avoid costly downtime, shore up vulnerabilities and maintain business operations in the face of additional, unexpected breaches. Enterprise resilience begins with an understanding that workflows must be preserved in order for organizations to survive unexpected events. An often-overlooked challenge of enterprise resilience planning is the human element, whereby individuals in a chaotic situation must be prepared and educated on how to respond accordingly. Enterprise resilience planning is sometimes referred to as enterprise continuity planning. More in my new book to be released.

Signing off for now ….

With Kind Regards,
Dr. Thamina Anwar